Tension Structures now offers cost effective and easy to install solutions for outdoor entertainment areas for the hospitality sector; or even in your own home. Find out about the splendid events that happen daily under our Architectural Umbrellas & Gazebos by following our series – Under the Umbrella. UNDER THE UMBRELLA PART 2: A sunny […]
https://tensionstructures.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Herzlia-Sports-Field-002.png640960KimOHanlonKimOHanlon2016-09-28 11:49:572016-09-28 11:49:57Under the Umbrella – Part 2
In order to combat socio-economic and environmental challenges today’s world faces, architects of large infrastructure, for example the stadia for events such as the Olympic Games, are encouraged to think of the legacy approach, considering what purpose these structures will fulfil post event. Started at the 2012 London Olympic Games, designs for Games venues started […]
Funded by the Department of Higher Education’s Infrastructure and Efficiency Fund, Phase 1 of the new Walter Sisulu University Health Sciences Teaching Facility in Mthatha is underway. Tension Structures was commissioned by Intsika Architects to install a fabric structure roof to cover the atrium walkway of the 1,350m² double storey building, a focal point when […]
https://tensionstructures.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Mthatha-001.png495960KimOHanlonKimOHanlon2016-09-28 11:25:492016-09-28 11:27:41New Health Sciences Teaching Facility at WSU, Mthatha
Tension Structures has been commissioned to design and install the walkway atriums; as well as two entrance roofs for an accumulative area of 2,500m2 at Lusaka’s new Garden City Mall in Zambia. This project features conical peaks reminiscent of snowcapped mountains that run along the entirety of the centre walkways of the mall. The fabric […]
https://tensionstructures.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Garden-City-Mall-3D-render-eFlyer.png640960KimOHanlonKimOHanlon2016-07-14 10:55:112017-07-19 12:12:09Saving energy in Southern Africa – Lusaka’s new Garden City Mall
This year’s Green Building Convention is being held in Johannesburg , South Africa’s financial district, at the Sandton Convention Centre from the 26th – 28th July, with the full programme extending 5 days to include workshops and tours. Across its overarching theme ‘Build a better world now’, the conference sessions are guided by three sub […]
https://tensionstructures.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/GBCSA.png640960KimOHanlonKimOHanlon2016-07-14 10:46:032016-07-14 10:49:02Transforming the built environment within the African region – Green Building Convention 2016
Tension Structures now offers cost effective and easy to install solutions for outdoor entertainment areas for the hospitality sector; or even in your own home. Find out about the splendid events that happen daily under our Architectural Umbrellas & Gazebos by following our series – Under the Umbrella. Under the Umbrella Part 1: Autumn harvest […]
https://tensionstructures.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Glen-Carlou-2.jpg595900KimOHanlonKimOHanlon2016-05-20 13:54:042016-07-25 14:08:47Under the Umbrella – Part 1
feature photo from @Oriamscotland Shape Structures and Tension Structures have collaborated on the fabric structure roof for the new Oriam Sports Performance Centre in Scotland which aims to provide top sportsmen and women with the world-class sports facilities pivotal for successful performance on an international stage. Tension Structures was brought on board by project engineers […]
At the Green Building Council’s annual Green Building Convention held from the 2 – 6 November this year, Hotel Verde won the Highest Rated Building category for its Existing Building Performance (EBP) Pilot tool rating at the Green Star SA Leadership Awards 2015 held at the convention. The hotel was assessed over a 12 month […]
https://tensionstructures.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Hotel-Verde_web.png640960KimOHanlonKimOHanlon2015-11-19 11:10:012015-11-19 13:50:23Green Building Council of SA awards Hotel Verde
Wishing you a peaceful festive season Dear Client, We wish to advise you that our office and factory will close for the festive season holidays on FRIDAY 18th DECEMBER 2015, and will reopen on THURSDAY 7th JANUARY 2016. We urge you to please place your orders timeously in order for us to fulfill your requirements. […]
https://tensionstructures.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Closing.png640960KimOHanlonKimOHanlon2015-11-19 11:00:152015-11-19 13:50:12End of Year Closing Dates 2015
This year’s Green Building Convention is Inspiring Better Buildings. SA’s Green Building Council acknowledges that it is no longer enough to simply think green while building but that to achieve green building, technologies need to be part of the design from conception; and taking it a step further – as part of the business process. […]
https://tensionstructures.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/GBC.png640960KimOHanlonKimOHanlon2015-10-08 11:42:072015-11-19 11:42:53SA’s Green Building Convention in its 8th year
Tension Structures has launched a new range of products suitable for home installation at a private residence as they are available in standard sizes, greatly reducing the cost, while conserving the integrity of the structure. These structures are permanent, and fabric choice is critical. Life expectancy varies widely between manufactures, and it is for this […]
https://tensionstructures.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Gazebo.png300800KimOHanlonKimOHanlon2015-08-27 10:19:492015-08-27 12:34:12Umbrellas and Gazebos this Summer!
Due for completion in August 2016, Tension Structures will be undertaking a project at the new Garden City Mall in Zambia’s capital, Lusaka. This project is to be made using Serge Ferrari’s new fabric, TX30 – for the first time in Africa. TX30 boasts a useful design life in excess of 30 years, and has […]
https://tensionstructures.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/1592-1001-Rev1-A3.png300800KimOHanlonKimOHanlon2015-08-05 08:53:482015-08-05 09:49:56First in Africa – Tension Structures to use Serge Ferrari’s TX30 at Garden City Mall, Lusaka
Coming up on their second birthday, Hotel Verde has much to celebrate having recently been awarded a second Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) Platinum Green Building Certificate by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) – a global first. Tension Structures installed a 152 m2 fabric structure at the hotel’s entrance, welcoming guests […]
https://tensionstructures.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Hotel-Verde.jpg300800KimOHanlonKimOHanlon2015-07-30 17:09:222015-07-30 17:09:22Hotel Verde – Now, a global first in green design
The iconic Soweto Theatre, in Jabulani Soweto is said to have changed the landscape of the area. Designed by Afritects, it has been hailed as an architectural masterpiece, and is described by the architects as a “culmination of both national and global best practices in theatre design”. In 2012, Tension Structures won the public tender […]
We offer architectural umbrellas and gazebos in a set variety of sizes and structures for ease of installation. These structures are available in two types of umbrellas and three types of gazebos. The gazebos are modular systems, where several units can be joined together. Our straight edged gazebos also have the option of drop down […]
We are proud to announce our new website built in the first half of this year, and launched this month. The website was built by Creative Engineering Studio, and we feel they have done a fantastic job of capturing the essence of Tension Structures: it’s legacy and its innovation. Projects: Easily browse through Tension Structures’ […]
https://tensionstructures.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Feature-A-new-online-look-for-Tension-Structures.jpg300800siteadminsiteadmin2015-05-28 14:48:072015-07-17 10:11:26A new online look for Tension Structures
Under the Umbrella – Part 2
Tension Structures now offers cost effective and easy to install solutions for outdoor entertainment areas for the hospitality sector; or even in your own home. Find out about the splendid events that happen daily under our Architectural Umbrellas & Gazebos by following our series – Under the Umbrella. UNDER THE UMBRELLA PART 2: A sunny […]
Nomadic Architecture to combat socio-economic challenges
In order to combat socio-economic and environmental challenges today’s world faces, architects of large infrastructure, for example the stadia for events such as the Olympic Games, are encouraged to think of the legacy approach, considering what purpose these structures will fulfil post event. Started at the 2012 London Olympic Games, designs for Games venues started […]
New Health Sciences Teaching Facility at WSU, Mthatha
Funded by the Department of Higher Education’s Infrastructure and Efficiency Fund, Phase 1 of the new Walter Sisulu University Health Sciences Teaching Facility in Mthatha is underway. Tension Structures was commissioned by Intsika Architects to install a fabric structure roof to cover the atrium walkway of the 1,350m² double storey building, a focal point when […]
Saving energy in Southern Africa – Lusaka’s new Garden City Mall
Tension Structures has been commissioned to design and install the walkway atriums; as well as two entrance roofs for an accumulative area of 2,500m2 at Lusaka’s new Garden City Mall in Zambia. This project features conical peaks reminiscent of snowcapped mountains that run along the entirety of the centre walkways of the mall. The fabric […]
Transforming the built environment within the African region – Green Building Convention 2016
This year’s Green Building Convention is being held in Johannesburg , South Africa’s financial district, at the Sandton Convention Centre from the 26th – 28th July, with the full programme extending 5 days to include workshops and tours. Across its overarching theme ‘Build a better world now’, the conference sessions are guided by three sub […]
Under the Umbrella – Part 1
Tension Structures now offers cost effective and easy to install solutions for outdoor entertainment areas for the hospitality sector; or even in your own home. Find out about the splendid events that happen daily under our Architectural Umbrellas & Gazebos by following our series – Under the Umbrella. Under the Umbrella Part 1: Autumn harvest […]
Tension Structures key collaborator on world-class sports facility in Scotland
feature photo from @Oriamscotland Shape Structures and Tension Structures have collaborated on the fabric structure roof for the new Oriam Sports Performance Centre in Scotland which aims to provide top sportsmen and women with the world-class sports facilities pivotal for successful performance on an international stage. Tension Structures was brought on board by project engineers […]
Green Building Council of SA awards Hotel Verde
At the Green Building Council’s annual Green Building Convention held from the 2 – 6 November this year, Hotel Verde won the Highest Rated Building category for its Existing Building Performance (EBP) Pilot tool rating at the Green Star SA Leadership Awards 2015 held at the convention. The hotel was assessed over a 12 month […]
End of Year Closing Dates 2015
Wishing you a peaceful festive season Dear Client, We wish to advise you that our office and factory will close for the festive season holidays on FRIDAY 18th DECEMBER 2015, and will reopen on THURSDAY 7th JANUARY 2016. We urge you to please place your orders timeously in order for us to fulfill your requirements. […]
SA’s Green Building Convention in its 8th year
This year’s Green Building Convention is Inspiring Better Buildings. SA’s Green Building Council acknowledges that it is no longer enough to simply think green while building but that to achieve green building, technologies need to be part of the design from conception; and taking it a step further – as part of the business process. […]
Umbrellas and Gazebos this Summer!
Tension Structures has launched a new range of products suitable for home installation at a private residence as they are available in standard sizes, greatly reducing the cost, while conserving the integrity of the structure. These structures are permanent, and fabric choice is critical. Life expectancy varies widely between manufactures, and it is for this […]
First in Africa – Tension Structures to use Serge Ferrari’s TX30 at Garden City Mall, Lusaka
Due for completion in August 2016, Tension Structures will be undertaking a project at the new Garden City Mall in Zambia’s capital, Lusaka. This project is to be made using Serge Ferrari’s new fabric, TX30 – for the first time in Africa. TX30 boasts a useful design life in excess of 30 years, and has […]
Hotel Verde – Now, a global first in green design
Coming up on their second birthday, Hotel Verde has much to celebrate having recently been awarded a second Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) Platinum Green Building Certificate by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) – a global first. Tension Structures installed a 152 m2 fabric structure at the hotel’s entrance, welcoming guests […]
The Soweto Theatre – Seemingly effortless ingenuity
The iconic Soweto Theatre, in Jabulani Soweto is said to have changed the landscape of the area. Designed by Afritects, it has been hailed as an architectural masterpiece, and is described by the architects as a “culmination of both national and global best practices in theatre design”. In 2012, Tension Structures won the public tender […]
Architectural Umbrellas and Gazebos – Easy Installation
We offer architectural umbrellas and gazebos in a set variety of sizes and structures for ease of installation. These structures are available in two types of umbrellas and three types of gazebos. The gazebos are modular systems, where several units can be joined together. Our straight edged gazebos also have the option of drop down […]
A new online look for Tension Structures
We are proud to announce our new website built in the first half of this year, and launched this month. The website was built by Creative Engineering Studio, and we feel they have done a fantastic job of capturing the essence of Tension Structures: it’s legacy and its innovation. Projects: Easily browse through Tension Structures’ […]